Highlights of the Year in Fatherhood

An excerpt from an article in Statesman.com.

Highlights of the Year in Fatherhood

June 14, 2008

On the occasion of
Father’s Day, it’s an appropriate moment to look back and reflect on how the institution of
fatherhood has fared in the past year. At DadLabs.com, we keep close tabs on the
psycho-social developments surrounding modern paternity, and the news is generally pretty good.
Thankfully, the statute of limitations has run out on paternal paragons David Hasselhoff and Alec
Baldwin, so let us move onto better role models like Tom Cruise and Kevin Federline.

Social networks grow

The online parenting world is
dominated by moms. iVillage, CafeMom and Dooce are titans of the digital parenting space, but a few
dad-centric resources have begun to emerge…GreatDad.com is chock-full of helpful articles…Most dad sites are still in their infancy. So to speak.

Clay Nichols

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