Created in1908 in the United States, Father’s Day was originally invented to celebrate fathers after a deadly mine explosion in West Virginia, says It was modeled after Mother’s Day, which was made a national holiday in 1914 by President Woodrow Wilson. Father’s Day finally became a national holiday in 1966 when it was also defined as the third Sunday in June.
The original intent was not as a commercial holiday where you have to spend almost $100 on dad (National Retail Federation survey 2008). Here are a few ways to celebrate “father” on father’s day rather than just by giving more stuff.
Talk to him
Carve out time to talk to dad about his childhood. He has relived much of it recently through spending time with kids, and may have some stories to tell. Ask him to bring out old photos, slides and movies and spend some real focused time listening to him.
Plan ahead
Plan ahead to do something dad really wants to do. On Father’s Day, everyone goes to brunch or makes a big breakfast, but what he really wants might be to take a hike with the family or go out for a golf outing with his kids.
Record the event
Help him make a movie or a podcast of the day. Many dads are more sentimental than you think. Also, having pictures and movies around of good times are proven ways to stay happy. Here is a link to some “dad songs.”
Let him rest
Give him some couch time this Father’s Day. Many dads just want a nice nap on a Sunday afternoon in June when the sun sets late and there seems to be time to “waste.”
Plan a barbecue
Barbecue! Give him a break from the low-cholesterol diet and cook him up a good steak and summer side dishes, like when he was a boy.
Have a great Father’s Day and don’t worry about spending all that cash. He’ll appreciate the thought more than the tie.