Dads and Daughters are Alike

It seems that in spite of all the differences there may be between the fathers and daughters of the world, be he a doctor  or craftsman, she a student or lawyer, early or late in life, religious or not, wealthy or not, dads and daughters are very much alike in the manner in which they relate to one another.

Dads put their daughters before their own interests, striving to create special moments and lasting memories for her, protecting her from harm and disappointment, always seeking to spend quality time together, always praying never to let her down. Daughters anticipate daddy coming home, eager to show him a new trick, a report card, or request his counsel on a matter of concern. As much as daughters enjoy being a daddy’s girl, dads enjoy having one to dote on.

Daughters enjoy their dads always being available to her and never tiring of her need for his attention and affection. Daughters crawl into their daddies’ lap to hug and kiss him before resting her head on his chest, sometimes asking him to sing their favorite song. Dads never forget those moments when he could hold his daughter in his arms, and is always ready to sing to her, even if over the telephone.

Dads find meaning, purpose and fulfillment in their important role in their daughters’ lives. They do not shy away from the unfamiliar girl stuff, the hard tasks of parenting, nor their daughters’ tears or demonstrations of independence and revolt. Dads stand ready to help whenever the need arises, even if in the darkest hours of the night. Daughters never forget those moments when her dad proved once more that he was indeed the hero who would never let her down.

Daughters look to dads for help with school projects, his applause during her performances or events, to be a friend when she is lonely, and to help her out of sticky situations. Daughters give their dads an affection he cannot find anywhere else, and a love he will cherish to the end of his last day.

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