What can I do if my child has a bedwetting problem?

The Potty Trainer

These are the steps to overcome bedwetting:

  1. 1. Decide if it is a “problem”
  2. 2. Discuss the options for treatment
  3. 3. Build up dialogue and support within the family
  4. Simplify bedding, PJs, and laundry tasks
  5. Improve daytime bladder and bowel habits
  6. Keep a diary or calendar for weeks/months
  7. Limit nighttime fluid intake
  8. Be patient for results/Monitor progress
  9. Add a bedwetting alarm
  10. Use the alarm every night for weeks
  11. Track progress
  12. Stay motivated and be patient for results
  13. Possibly add a medication
  14. Consider counseling if no improvement
  15. Consult with a physician, or a specialist along the way

– Dr. D. Preston Smith


Dr. Smith is board certified and he has authored or co-authored many articles, papers, chapters, and books in Urology and Pediatric Urology. His research has been presented throughout the world. Dr. Smith’s dedication to helping children with urologic problems inspired him to establish PottyMD.

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