Need to catch up and get shots for your baby?
Your doctor or clinic keeps records of the shots your baby receives. A child
who has missed a dose needs to catch up as soon as possible.
Take your child to your doctor or clinic for a 12-month checkup. A nurse
will give your child any vaccines that are due. Vaccines can help your
child—and the community—stay healthy.
Vaccines are safe
In the early 1900s, childhood diseases were common. Babies died of
pneumonia. Schools closed because of measles epidemics. Children were
kept from swimming for fear of catching polio.
But today, thanks to vaccines, few children die of these illnesses. In fact,
vaccines have nearly wiped out two diseases—smallpox and polio.
Because many childhood diseases are uncommon, some parents think
their children don’t need vaccines. But if many children go without
vaccines, doctors fear a return of the old diseases.
Parents need to understand that vaccines are safe. Before a new vaccine
can be given, it goes through at least 10 years of testing. Testing is done
by labs and clinics under rules set by the federal government. Yet a
vaccine, like any medicine, may involve a risk of harm. But that risk is
very small. Taking that risk is better than having a disease.
Get the facts. Talk to your doctor or clinic. Protect your children from disease.
This content has been provided freely by CMC. Click Healthy Start, Grow Smart—Your-Twelve-Month-Old for your free download. Click GreatDad Free Ebook to download the entire Health Start, Grow Smart series.
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