How I grow: I creep across the floor, and I may crawl. I may help you pull me up to a standing position by keeping my legs straight. When you hold me under my arms, I can stand and step in place. I like to look at my feet. When I’m lying on my back, I like to bring my feet to my mouth. I can hold an object in each hand. I like to bang things … [Read more...] about What’s It Like To Be Seven Months Old?
Take Time for Yourself
It takes a lot of your time to care for a baby. Sometimes you may not have time to do all the things you want to do. You may also forget to take care of yourself. You need to take time for yourself. Here are some things you can do to take care of yourself: Exercise, or take a walk. Eat healthy food.Spend time resting in a quiet place, reading or … [Read more...] about Take Time for Yourself
Moving Bath Time to the “Big Tub”
Your baby may be getting too big for his baby bathtub. You can start bathing him in the family bathtub when he is able to sit up by himself. Get everything ready before you put your baby in the tub. First, get the soap, washcloth, towel, shampoo and toys together. Then run the water. Test it on the inside of your wrist to be sure the water … [Read more...] about Moving Bath Time to the “Big Tub”
Breastfeeding Advice
At seven months, your baby may begin to eat mashed or pureed vegetables and fruit in addition to infant cereal. These foods are not as important as breast milk. Do not worry if he is more interested in playing with his foods than eating them. Nursing him will meet most of his food needs. Sometimes, your baby may bite down on your breast with his new teeth … [Read more...] about Breastfeeding Advice
Breastfeeding and Pregnancy
Maybe you’ve heard that you can’t get pregnant when you’re breastfeeding. That’s not always true. It depends on how much you breastfeed. And it depends on when your monthly period returns. Breastfeeding should not be used as the only method of birth control. There are various methods of birth control that work well with breastfeeding. Your doctor can help you … [Read more...] about Breastfeeding and Pregnancy