Things you should do to keep your baby safe: When traveling with your baby, be sure to use an infant car seat that meets the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Look for a tag or label that says the seat meets these standards. The middle of the back seat of the car is the safest place for your baby. The infant car seat must be in the back … [Read more...] about Safety Tips
Help Your Baby Every Day
Here are things you can do to help your baby every day: Babies learn by watching and touching things. They are exploring their world. Encourage exploration. Promote your baby’s curiosity and exploration by holding things within his reach and helping him touch them. Exploring on his own is important for your baby. But don’t limit it to that. Help him seek new … [Read more...] about Help Your Baby Every Day
Wet Diapers
Your baby is getting enough fluids if he has seven to 10 wet diapers a day. The diapers can be cloth or regular disposable diapers. Babies vary in the number of bowel movements they have each day. Sometimes babies may not have a bowel movement for two to three days. The baby is not constipated as long as the bowel movement is soft and passes easily. This … [Read more...] about Wet Diapers
Your Baby Is Sleeping Longer at Night
You can start putting your baby to bed while he is still awake. Remember to put him to sleep on his back. Let him go to sleep on his own, alone. When he awakens during the night, he sometimes may go back to sleep on his own. This is much easier on the parents! Every baby will have a different sleep pattern. By now, most babies are in a … [Read more...] about Your Baby Is Sleeping Longer at Night
Feeding Your Baby Formula
Maybe you are not breastfeeding your baby but using formula. When you leave for work, make sure your baby’s caregiver knows how to prepare formula. There are three ways to prepare formula for your baby. The three ways are: Powdered: This is the cheapest kind. You need to add water to it. First, boil the water. The water should be sterile. Just do what the … [Read more...] about Feeding Your Baby Formula