It is important to spend fun time with your baby every day.
Your baby looks forward to having this time with you. She needs to be
loved, cuddled, talked to and played with. If she spends the day with a
sitter or in day care, this time alone with you is even more important. You
can use this time to play games with her. Here are some games to play:
- You can help her crawl by placing pillows around the floor and
showing her how to move around them. - You can sit with her while she takes toys out of a box and then puts
them back in. Name each toy as she puts them in and takes them out. - You can show her pictures of animals and make animal sounds for
her. - Hold your baby in front of a mirror or a window. Let her enjoy what
she sees. - Sit with her in a rocking chair. Tell her you love her. Read her a story.
- Talk or sing to her.
The important thing is to spend time with your baby. Even chores like
bathing and feeding your baby can be turned into fun and learning
games. She looks forward to being with you each day. She loves your
touch and attention.
This content has been provided freely by CMC. Click Healthy Start, Grow Smart—Your-Eight-Month-Old for your free download. Click GreatDad Free Ebook to download the entire Health Start, Grow Smart series.
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