Your baby needs you to help him feel secure and safe in the world. Gaining
your baby’s trust is one of the most important things you can do as a parent.
The way to teach your baby to trust you is to meet his needs. Sometimes parents
are afraid they may spoil a baby by paying too much attention to him.
Meeting your baby’s needs is not spoiling him. In fact, when you feed him,
change his diapers and comfort him when he’s fussy, you are helping him grow
and feel more secure.
You may feel you have the hardest time meeting your baby’s need for comfort
when he’s fussy. These times are hard on you and your baby.
Babies can fuss for all kinds of reasons. They have many things to learn,
such as how to talk and how to control their hands and feet. They also need
to learn how to get your attention when they need it. Your baby isn’t fussing
to annoy you or because he is spoiled.
You already have learned some things that help him. You have learned to
hold him close, rock him, bathe him and make faces at him. You have
learned to sing to him. You have learned to pick him up and walk him
around. You have learned to always be gentle and calm with him.
When you take care of your baby’s daily needs, he will feel safe and secure.
For example, your baby may quit crying when he sees you preparing to feed
him or change his diaper. He has learned to trust you. He knows he doesn’t
have to keep crying.
Your baby will spend time amusing himself by looking around. He will also“talk” to himself. He will play with his hands and feet.
These periods when your baby amuses himself will get longer. This is a sign
that he feels safe, secure and trusting.
This content has been provided freely by CMC. Click Healthy Start, Grow Smart—Your Three-Month-Old for your free download. Click GreatDad Free Ebook to download the entire Health Start, Grow Smart series.
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