Your baby is halfway through her first year. She is really active now. She may be grabbing at things and shaking her rattle.She may be sitting up with support. She babbles and makes a variety of sounds.
She is interested in everything around her. She wants to touch things. She wants to put things in her mouth. She wants to pull on them. Keeping up with her curiosity can be a challenge. Have fun with her. Be patient.
Your baby has learned a lot in her first six months. So have you! You have learned a lot about being a parent. You have learned how to take care of your baby even though she can’t tell you what she needs. You have learned what her crying means. You can tell that she is hungry by the way she cries. You can also tell by her crying if she is tired or needs her diaper changed.
You can help your baby be healthy and safe. You can help her learn many important things like how to talk, how to walk and how to feed herself. You can help her learn how to drink from a cup.
This content has been provided freely by CMC. Click Healthy Start, Grow Smart—Your-Six-Month-Old for your free download. Click GreatDad Free Ebook to download the entire Health Start, Grow Smart series.
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