New Book: A Dad’s Guide to Babycare

Colin Cooper’s new book, A Dad’s Guide to Baby Care (Hamlyn 2015) is just out. We love to see this type of book – a baby care book that features all the stuff moms read but written by a man, with pictures of dads and cute babies throughout. It makes you feel like this whole dad thing is pretty normal.

In a bit over 100 colorful pages, Cooper goes over all the major milestones starting with how a new baby looks and the first steps to taking care of him or her. In his introduction Cooper explains that many people still feel dads are “useless” around babies and understanding what is going on and what to do is a way of counteracting this perception. That’s why I especially like the large number of photos and explanations of things that might even seen a bit basic, like setting a sleeping baby down into a crib. By explaining the basics to dads without being either patronizing or downright insulting, new dads can get a feeling for how to actually take care of their new baby.

Knowledge is power. Many men over time have felt left out because they were laughed at when they tried to change a diaper or put on a onesie. By jumping in and getting involved right from start, the modern man not only provides an immense amount of support to his exhausted partner, but shows he’s ready to be an equal partner in all the decisions in raising a family. Cooper’s new book, designed to be user friendly, is a good tool for new dads looking to do this.

A Dad’s Guide to Babycare is $12.99 and available on Amazon.

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