When it comes to dads, your kids may laugh at that silly sitcom dad, but he’s not the dad they want. Face it: the dad they want is you. Your kids are YOUR kids for a reason. By giving them your listening ear, a caring heart, and by spending time with them, you’ll totally rock being a dad.
A Good Husband Makes a Good Dad
One of the most important things you can teach your kids is getting along with others. Statistics show that in the U.S. and other Western countries, over 90% of people get married before they turn 50, so you’re likely to remember seeing how your parents got along. Whether you realize it or not, those memories are part of how you treat your loved ones. As a dad, you can use or overcome those memories, to show your kids what love looks like in real life.
You’re going to argue with your partner occasionally. You may try to keep your disagreements private, but in the real world, couples have fights and those fights don’t wait for the ‘right’ time. If your kids can see you both state your opinions without shredding the other person’s ego, they’ll be able to learn there are healthy ways to argue and communicate. Witnessing your anger toward Mom being resolved in a compromise, and then seeing the two of you return to loving words can make a lasting impression on your kids.
Owning a Pet Can Be Good For Your Kids
Pets are adorable, and you’ve probably been tempted to give in when your kids beg for a pet. You may be interested to learn that, according to Forbes, 66% of American homes have a pet. You can probably admit pets are great, but you’re afraid all the work related to your furry friend will get dumped onto you. However, did you know there are scientifically proven reasons to get your child a pet?
Spending just 10 minutes with a pet can reduce the cortisol stress hormone. Less stress is a great reason to get a pet but spending time with a pet can also be a source of learning about healthy relationships. Your kids will have plenty of joy by playing with their pets, but they’ll also gain experience in compassion and caring as they feed and care for their new family member. As for the responsibility of caring for the pets, if you just hang tough and insist your child be the pet’s main caretaker, they’ll be absorbing life lessons about how to care for another living being.
Playing Games Isn’t Just for Kids
Your kids need you to spend time with them. They need to see you turn your attention to them and listen as they speak. This may be as uncomfortable for you as it is for them at first, but they need to see they matter to you. One of the most enjoyable ways to do that is to play games with them.
Spending quality time with your kids is one of the best ways to build a strong relationship with them. Not only can playing games be fun, but you can also spend quality time with them as well. Getting involved with the game they’re playing the most can help build a stronger relationship. To be honest, you won’t be the best… you’re going to suck. However, spending quality time with your kids has changed over generations, and playing video games with them is now a great way to do so.
Being a dad isn’t rocket science. It takes time and commitment, but your love for your kids will help you find and grab opportunities. Keep respect, fairness, and love at the top of your parenting motives. As your children grow and mature, you’ll realize what they need most is for you and their mom to show them your real selves.