Caught your kids smoking? Here’s some advice

Watching your little ones transform from children into young adults can be scary. Adolescence brings with it an array of dangerous temptations, ranging from sexual activity to drug use. So if one day you catch your kids smoking cigarettes, how do you handle the situation? Here are a few things to keep in mind when it comes time to talk with your children about tobacco use.

Don’t blow up
First and foremost, any honest and beneficial conversation you hope to have with your little ones depends on your attitude. Blowing up in a fit of anger is only going to put your children on the defensive about their smoking. Remember to keep calm and approach this situation carefully – failing here could have major ramifications for your adolescents’ futures.

Be honest about the dangers
If everyone thought smoking was a terrible thing, it wouldn’t be such a popular practice. Because of this, you have to entertain the notion that your children don’t feel as strongly about cigarettes as you do, and this is likely due to lack of experience. Having an open and honest conversation about the health negatives of smoking – keeping in mind popular arguments for support – will help you shape the discussion in a positive way.

Keep it practical
Despite the countless health-based arguments against smoking, often the most effective counter-arguments involve practical issues. Becoming a regular smoker means spending a lot of money on cigarettes, meaning your kids won’t have funds for other fun activities. That’s not to mention the impact on sports performance and constantly reeking of tobacco in social situations where it might be seen negatively, such as on a first date.


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