Some men seem to age like a fine wine – George Clooney, anyone? – but for most of us, the process is not quite so graceful. If you've noticed that the beautiful, thick, shiny hair that once covered the top of your head is thinning and gray, you might be distressed. However, here are a few reasons why going bald may not be as bad as you think.
First of all, male-pattern baldness is more common than you'd imagine. Thinning on top could affect your self-esteem, but don't feel like you're the only one experiencing the issue. About a quarter of men are balding by their 20s, and two-thirds are experiencing hair loss by the time they're 60, says The Sydney Morning Herald. So with so many guys out there losing their hair, why is it such a big deal? Well, it really isn't.
What do Jason Statham, Bruce Willis and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson all have in common? They're all totally awesome – and they're all totally bald. Instead of running from your baldness, embrace your new look by shaving your head and investing in a pair of Oakleys. Then start practicing the one-liner you'll drop just before you kill the bad guys.