Good article today at about how one dad handled finding a good size cache of porn in the family browser history. Short story: he writes his son a note saying he doesn’t want to make a big deal of it or embarrass him. But he does want to warn him of the dangers on the internet. All of us with kids at any age struggle with this. How much internet do we allow and how do we protect our kids. Do we keep them away entirely, install filters, make shame be part of the internet experience? This is not something any of us knows how to do. We can compare it to finding dad’s Playboy in his socks drawer, but it’s not at all the same thing. Internet porn is far more raw and introduces ideas that kids are not prepared for at 12 or even at 17.
What are you doing to protect your kids on line?
[From Talking to Kids About Online Porn: How One Dad Handled it]