Top Money Saving Ideas For Dads

Many small expenses in our day-to-day lives lead to shockingly large bills every month. Do you ever feel cash-strapped at the end of the month and have no idea where all your money has disappeared? Many dads use simple money saving ideas and secrets which should be followed in spite of the state of the economy. It just makes sense to know that neither money matters nor your family’s demands should be ignored. Here are some of our readers swapping popular and innovative money saving ideas for grocery shopping, eating out and other daily expenses to stretch that dollar.

“To save money, we have started cooking at home more often. Funny enough, the kids love it, since they get to help. And often, the food tastes better than the more expensive, pre-made alternatives!”
-V, Pecatonica, IL

“My boys and I go to the park for football, etc. instead of activities that require money!”
-Brian, Queen Creek, AZ

“I try to combine coupons with supermarket sales.”
-Chris, Las Vegas, NV

“We use coupons for everything from groceries, to services, to eating out.”
-Melwin, Brick, MA

“When we do go out to eat, we visit restaurants that have Kids Eat Free nights. You can have a sit-down family dinner for the price of fast food.”
-Casey, Overland Park, KS

“Bring your own lunch instead of going out to eat. I can’t tell you how much money I began to save after I started brown-bagging it.”
-Dave, Buffalo

“I shop at the end of the season clearance sales for the following year. You can really find good deals.”
-Beck, Pottstown, PA

“Shop at second hand stores until your kids are old enough to care about labels.”
-Matt, Liberty, TX

“Never pay retail for clothing for children; there are just too many 2nd hand stores out there with just like new clothes. Why pay $30 for jeans when you can get them for $4.99. Besides it is the green thing to do!”
-Jerry, Middleton, WI

“Instead of spending $$$$$$ to rent movies and video games from those ‘big chain movie rental places’, my family rents movies and games from our local library! There’s no charge to rent items from your local library and the only requirement is having a current library card!”
-LeAndrew, Dallas, TX

“Shop around online. Take advantage of free shipping and promotional codes to get the best price.”
-Christopher, Osage City, KS

“We went on a ‘cash only’ budget and it’s been wonderful. It’s been much easier than we thought and we haven’t gone without anything that we really need.”
-Kevin, Irving, TX
“Only use credit cards if you can afford to pay them in full at the end of the month. There is a difference between wanting something and needing it.”
-John, Corona, CA

-Vergie, New Site, MS 

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