Positive Intelligence with Kristen Lampert

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How can we better understand ourselves and our own dreams as parents while still meeting societal expectations? How can mental fitness coaching and positive intelligence support parents in responding to stressors with positivity?

In this episode, you will be able to:
1. Learn about the importance of being values-led in both business and family life.
2. Understand the concept of intentional living and avoiding burnout as a parent.
3. Explore the impact of societal pressures on parenting and the importance of self-care and nurturing.
4. Discover how positive intelligence and mental fitness can help parents respond to stressors positively.
5. Gain insights into creating a clear vision for the future and overcoming limitations to achieve a fulfilling parenting experience.

Title: Positive Intelligence with Kristen Lampert

Hey folks, Paul here, the host of Great Dad Talks! In today’s episode, we had the pleasure of an insightful conversation with Kristen Lampert, a passionate advocate for reimagining the home and bringing intention and creativity back into parenting. Kristen, responsible for business development, shared her expertise on code designing and how it applies to creating stronger family dynamics. So grab your headphones, sit back, and let’s dive into this enlightening conversation!

Designing a Values-Led Home:
When it comes to the home, Kristen emphasizes the importance of being values-led and having structure. She highlights the significance of having objectives, mission statements, brand attributes, and shared values within the family unit. According to Kristen, this helps create a strong foundation that guides decision-making and fosters a sense of purpose.

Key advice:

  • Create a clear vision for your family and establish shared values and mission.
  • Use these values as a guide for decision-making and setting goals within the family.

Avoiding the Trap of Sleepwalking:
One key aspect Kristen touched upon was the concept of being intentional and avoiding the trap of sleepwalking through life. She brought attention to the fact that many parents, submerged in their roles, often neglect their own dreams and aspirations. Society’s expectations put immense pressure on parents to strive for perfection, leading to exhaustion and burnout.

Key advice:

  • Take time to understand yourself, your dreams, and your aspirations outside of the parent role.
  • Incorporate self-care and nurturing activities into your routine to avoid burnout and rediscover your own passions.

Mental Fitness for Parents:
As a mental fitness coach for parents, Kristen uses positive intelligence and mental fitness to empower parents to respond to stressors with positivity. She emphasizes that self-development and personal growth are equally important as professional achievements, especially for high-performing parents.

Key advice:

  • Focus on your own personal growth and self-development, treating it with the same dedication as your professional growth.
  • Use tools like positive intelligence and “PQ reps” (presumably referring to practices for improving emotional intelligence) to regulate your emotions and shift from negative to balanced states.

Recognizing and Addressing Parental Burnout:
Parental burnout is a prevalent issue, impacting both men and women. Kristen sheds light on how societal pressures, inadequate support systems, and unsustainable work-life balances contribute to this burnout epidemic. She emphasizes the need for systemic change to alleviate financial stress and provide better resources for parents.

Key advice:

  • Recognize the symptoms of burnout, from milder stress to severe levels requiring medical attention.
  • Prioritize self-regulation and seek support systems to prevent parental burnout.
  • Advocate for systemic change to create better resources and support networks for parents.

Our conversation with Kristen Lampert was a breath of fresh air, shedding light on the vital importance of designing intentional, values-led homes and addressing the challenges of parental burnout. As Great Dads, let’s take this opportunity to reimagine our homes, nurture our own passions, and empower ourselves with the tools and resources needed to be the best parents we can be.

So that wraps up this episode of Great Dad Talks! Be sure to tune in next time for more insightful conversations on fatherhood, parenting, and personal growth. Until then, keep striving to be the best dad you can be.

About Kristen Lampert

Parent Coach/Leadership Coach/Writer

Kristen Lampert is a visionary business development expert who is passionate about reimagining the home. With years of experience in the industry, Kristen has been instrumental in creating innovative programs that transform the way we approach family life. Her deep commitment to being values-led and creating structure both in business and in the home has made her a sought-after resource for parents seeking to cultivate fulfilling and intentional family dynamics. As a mental fitness coach for parents, Kristen’s mission is to help individuals bring self-care, nurturing, and creativity back into their lives, enabling them to approach parenting with joy and fulfillment.

Follow Kristen on her socials:

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