I’m here to report it as I see it. Actually, I’ve been here since Friday night. I flew in early to judge the annual JPMA (Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association) Innovation Awards early on Saturday. So, by most scientists calculations, I am already on the last day most humans can stand being in Vegas. But, I have three more to go. Now the fun begins.
Today, I walk the 34 square miles (kidding) of exhibition booths, meeting big companies and mom and pop endeavors alike. My goal is to find new products, new trends, but also talk up the evolving role of dads in the marketplace. Many more marketers are right with me, but old habits die hard, and the show is mostly about Mom (the buyer) and baby (as object of affection and spending).
Much more coming your way, as I try to get a few shots of what I see at the show today, Monday, and Tuesday.