Life as a to-be father is wonderful. However, it can also be a bit scary. It is quite unlike anything you have experienced before and you find yourself oscillating between conflicting emotions. You are going to be a dad, and that, of course, makes you jubilant. However, you may find yourself grappling with unknown fears and anxieties.
There are just too many doubts playing into your head. And there is too much, you realize, that you still do not know. Questions will naturally pop up. Like “Is it okay to continue having sex now that she is pregnant?” Or “In what way will the pregnancy affect me?” Being a pregnant dad, you might feel, is like driving into a new place and realizing that you do not have the map!
Things you can do to accept the fact of your spouse’s pregnancy:
- Read books: What you need first is a good book on the subject. Pickles and Ice Cream by Dr. Craig Bissinger, is one such book that will explain pregnancy and childbirth in a lucid manner and set your mind at ease. Every Guy’s Guide as to What To Expect When She’s Expecting by W. Grant Eppler, a humorous and unique guide to becoming a father, is another good book you can read.
- Attend childbirth classes: A childbirth class will give you a better perspective about the role that you, as the dad, are expected to play. It will also help you to get over any reservations you may have previously had about your spouse’s pregnancy.
- Meet other dads: Talking to friends who are dads will help you clarify doubts and allay any fears you may have about becoming a father.
- Make plans: It helps, for a pregnant couple, to plan the arrival of the baby before hand. Whether to deliver at home or in the hospital, the use of epidurals, or breastfeeding are decisions your spouse will take—in consultation with her doctor—but she will value your inputs and expect you to support her decisions.
Well….Hello my name is Jeremy and this will be my first born baby! My question is wht can i do to help me cope with the emotions tht the lady seems to take out on me?