Does Adenovirus pose a Threat to Your Toddler

Adenoviruses are viruses affecting both humans and animals and were initially isolated in human adenoids (tonsils)—hence the name. The infections caused by these viruses tend to cause illnesses mainly in your toddlers’ respiratory system. Children between the ages of 6 months and 2 years are most commonly susceptible to these infections.

The common cold is the most typical example of an upper respiratory tract infection. A pharyngoconjunctival fever involves sore throat, red eyes with fever. This is another commonly occurring adenoviral infection.

Other adenoviral infections may include:

Your toddlers and the virus

Toddlers spend their time touching their mouths, noses and eyes throughout the day. They can often be observed running around with runny noses and afterwards, suffering from occasional fevers. The two causes are not unrelated—the one leads to the other. This is because viruses tend to survive on surfaces which your toddlers touch and easily enter their bodies through contamination.

Preventive measures:


It is important to remember that antibiotics are not useful in this situation. Although there is no cure for common cold, there are ways of making your toddlers comfortable and relieving them of their symptoms with the help of the following techniques.

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