Know when to intervene against overzealous grandparents

Know when to intervene against overzealous grandparents

Raising children means teaching them the importance of family. One of the best ways to do this is by having your parents – their grandparents – be a regular presence in their lives. Even if they see each other once every few weeks or only at holidays, it can be important that your children know their grandparents love them.

However, there are times when your parents can make the process of raising your children more difficult. Whether they constantly spoil your kids or overstep their bounds by disciplining them instead of letting you handle it, grandparents can pose a unique challenge for fathers.

Give them the benefit of the doubt
As a father, it's natural to be protective of your children, though you may not have predicted this instinct kicking in against your own parents. When grandparents give your children too much candy or let them stay up too late, try to remember that they're simply expressing their own love for their grandchildren.

Be clear about boundaries
Even if your parents have the best intentions for your children, you'll probably clash over certain parenting issues. In these cases, it may help to be clear but firm with the way you intend to raise your children. If your parents know your limits, they may be less likely to cross them in the future.

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