Moms share a special relationship with their babies. This is especially true in the case of a pregnant mom and her child. By carrying and nurturing the baby inside their wombs, mothers experience a unique closeness with their unborn babies. No dad, however much he may try to, can ever hope to share the bond that a mother shares with her child.
A result of this is that dads often feel ‘left out’ when confronted by the fact of their spouse’s pregnancy.
Try these ways to become more involved in your partner’s pregnancy and initiate a bond with your baby:
Share your spouse’s experience: Talk to your spouse and discuss the pregnancy with her. Ask her to share her experiences with you.
Play the tapping game: This is a fun game that you can play along with your spouse and your to-be-born baby. Sit next to your partner and ask her to indicate whenever she feels a ‘fetal kick’ from the baby. Now tap your partner’s belly in response to every fetal kick in the same area that she indicates.
Talk to your baby: Speaking to your baby will enable your child to recognize your voice. According to medical experts, babies learn to recognize voices they hear when they are in the womb.