Pregnancy can be a challenging phase for your spouse. Maintaining a healthy posture will help her keep back problems away. An exercise routine will especially help her to keep fit. Your spouse can begin an exercise routine even if she has never really exercised before. Walking, swimming, pre-natal yoga, and simple aerobics are ideal forms of exercise during pregnancy.
These are some of the things your spouse may need to remember if she is starting an exercise routine:
- All exercise programs should be begun gradually. Starting with about 15 minutes, three to four days a week is sufficient.
- She should resist the temptation to overdo it.
- She should avoid jogging, unless she used to jog regularly before her pregnancy.
- She should avoid doing sit-ups and other exercises, which involve lying on the back as they may decrease blood flow to the uterus.
- Exercises that involve standing in the same place for long periods can also decrease blood flow to the baby. It is better to keep moving or changing positions frequently.
- She should avoid strenuous forms of exercise, such as riding a bike.
- She should wear loose comfortable clothing and avoid overheating.
- She must drink adequate amounts of water to avoid dehydration.
- She should eat healthy foods to make up for calories lost during exercise.
- If, after exercise, she notices symptoms such as fatigue, pain, nausea, vaginal bleeding or discharge, or pelvic contractions, she should contact her doctor immediately.
Disclaimer: The above information is commonsense reflection drawn from general experience. If you are looking for expert medical advice, please consult your doctor.