Understand Couvade Syndrome

Do you ever worry that you have been experiencing symptoms of pregnancy along with your partner?

Have you gained weight, felt queasy at certain times of the day, or experienced appetite changes?

It is possible that you are going through Couvade Syndrome.


What is Couvade Syndrome?

Couvade Syndrome refers to sympathetic pregnancy experienced by a man, usually the husband of a pregnant woman. Symptoms mimic those suffered by pregnant women, such as, weight gain, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain, cramping in the legs, unusual food cravings and changed sexual appetite.


When do Couvade symptoms appear?

Usually, symptoms of Couvade first appear during the partner’s third month of pregnancy. They advance and become severe in the third trimester. Symptoms usually end with the delivery.


Can all men suffer from Couvade?

According to experts, Couvade is more commonly found in societies, which culturally accept it. One study reports that its incidence is higher amongst couples with a history of infertility.


What can Couvade dads do to alleviate their symptoms?

Dads who are experiencing Couvade can try to:


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