At one year old, your child has achieved a major milestone. As they grow older, babies develop dietary and other needs to support their physical and mental development. This age is also marked by increasingly inquisitive behavior. Over the coming year, parents may need to take extra care to protect their children from danger.
These are tips to help you take care of your one year old:
- Many mothers wean their babies from breast milk or formula to whole or soy milk. This is also a good time to make the transition from bottle to a sippy cup. Note that most doctors recommend breastfeeding for one year and that the World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for a minimum of two years.
- Gradually introduce your child to a variety of solid foods.
- Introduce your child to a greater variety of experiences. This could include exposure to new books, playing with toys, going to places, and meeting different people.
- Encourage your child to talk and respond to you.
- Encourage your child to start walking.
- Identify potential dangers inside your home and take steps to safeguard your child against them.
- Ensure a regular bath to keep your child clean.
- Now is also a good time to instill good dental care habits.
- Follow up on your baby’s health check-ups and immunization schedules.
- Continue to maintain regular bedtime patterns.