Tears for fears – How to make the world a less scary place for your child

Of all age groups, toddlers are most liable to be constantly
reminded of how small and vulnerable they are at any change in routine. Often, they experience the
world as large and scary and fear for their place in it.

Their fears may most commonly be
caused by:

In the highly regarded book, Magic Years, by Selma Fraiberg, Dr. Fraiberg relates a
not uncommon fear among very small children of disappearing down the bathtub drain. Is it any
wonder, then, that they are also scared later of falling into the toilet?

Fears are also
palpable to children in the dark and this may cause a lot of trouble at bedtime. During these
moments, it is essential to be supportive – but the goal in the long run should be to help your
toddlers develop the skills and confidence to work their fears out on their own.

Here are a
few suggestions to help your kids cope:

On the positive side, parents should realize that fear is a sign that their children
are gaining a sense of their selves. It is a normal part of their children’s cognitive development,
as they learn to deal with the difference between the known and the new and unknown.

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Comfort Objects

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