Prince Lionheart weePOD Toilet Trainer

The weePOD is easy to use and easy to clean.

We’re in full-on potty training mode with our two and a half year old and have been using the Prince Lionheart wee POD Toilet Trainer in one bathroom as well as a free standing training potty in our other bathroom.

Unlike a training potty, the weePOD rests on top of a standard toilet seat and is held in place with a slip-resistant ring. Further stability for the child is provided with handles located on each side. The handles are effective once your child is seated, but they cannot to be used to help climbing up and on as even the lightest amount of pressure applied to either handle causes the weePOD to flip over.

The weePOD looks great, is durable and easy to install and remove. It is a great fit on our toilet seat and from what we can tell, is very comfortable to sit on. Best of all, everything goes directly into the toilet (well, almost everything, it’s still a work in progress!) so clean up is a cinch. Our little one really likes it, and potty training is coming along nicely. What more can we ask?


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