4. Once Upon a Time in a Magical Place Called “Before Kids”:Bring out photos of the old days when you were dating your wife, and share with the kids stories of how you were as a young boy and man. This kind of sharing will help them open up and learn lessons about love indirectly through modeling.
5. Valentine’s Gifts for Important People around You Teaches Graciousness: Invite your children to nominate some other men or women in their lives (cousins, uncles, neighbors, and friends) who they admire and love, and prepare Valentine’s Day cards or small gifts for them, flattering their looks and gracious manner.
6. A Romantic Song Can Be the Best Valentine’s Day Gift for Him or Her: Choose some favorite romantic songs and ask the kids to learn the lyrics and melody so you can all sing it for mom at a special moment.
7. Be Your Own Shakespeare or Jerry Seinfeld on Valentine’s Day: Make up a play or skit where the kids play you and your wife when you first met, and when you became engaged. Have your children playact the roles, and improvise new lines, as needed.
Also read:
Top 7 Greatdad Tips for Valentine’s Day – Part 1