There are countless short poems in praise of moms on Mother’s Day. That’s hardly surprising, because mothers are very special people and countless people love their moms.
Some poems are centuries old, some are brand new. Some are the simple verses you find on greetings cards, some are the profound thoughts of famous poets, or even quotations from the Bible.
Of one thing you can be sure: all are deeply felt, tributes to the women who brought us into the world and nurtured and cared for us and, if we are lucky, are still around to be our friends.
Some poems are simple, yet very moving and full of truth, like this one by Strickland Gillilan (1869-1954):
You may have tangible wealth untold;
Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold.
Richer than I you can never be –
I had a mother who read to me.
Francis Cardinal Spellman’s poem “What is a Mother?” is a quite different but equally sincere way of saying it:
What is a mother? Who shall answer this?
A mother is a font and spring of life,
A mother is a forest in whose heart
Lies hid a secret ancient as the hills,
For men to claim and take its wealth away;
And like the forest shall her wealth renew
And give, and give again, that men may live.
The English poet George Barker obviously not only loved his mother, but admired her huge spirit, her steadfastness and strength. In his poem “To My Mother” he likens her to “a procession no one can follow after but be like a little dog following a brass band.”
Most near, most dear, most loved and most far,
Under the window where I often found her
Sitting as huge as Asia, seismic with laughter,
Gin and chicken helpless in her Irish hand,
Irresistible as Rabelais, but most tender for
The lame dogs and hurt birds that surround her –
She is a procession no one can follow after
But be like a little dog following a brass band.
She will not glance up at the bomber, or condescend
To drop her gin and scuttle to a cellar,
But lean on the mahogany table like a mountain
Whom only faith can move, and so I send
O all my faith, and all my love to tell her
That she will move from mourning into morning.
Or how about this wonderful heartfelt poem by Pat O’Reilly?
God made a wonderful mother
A mother who never grows old;
He made her smile of the sunshine.
And He moulded her heart of pure gold;
In her eyes He placed bright shining stars,
In her cheeks fair roses you see;
God made a wonderful mother,
And He gave that dear mother to me.
There are so many ways of thanking your mom and telling her you love her. It is not just about going and spending money on a present (although receiving a beautiful gift is always nice!) But probably the thing that nearly all moms love best of all is to be given a homemade card containing beautiful words of love and appreciation.
Maybe in the end the best way to do it is to forget what others have written and tell her in your own words. However simple, they will be from the heart, and she will be the first to know it.
Achievements are awarded . Ambition is valued.
Brilliance is indicated . Mothers are Goddesses.
Consideration is acknowledged and that comes from our mothers.
Dominance is symbolized because of our mothers.
Earthly moments are forever enduring. Mothers keep sharing and hugging. Friendships are treasured . Mothers signify that
Glorified occasions— once again, our mothers. Helping to solve things. Who better than mothers???
Immaculate suggestions. Here comes our mothers.
Joyful reminders. Mothers always smile and remember.
Kindness is mastered. Mothers are gifted.
Laughter is shared with making strange faces.
Magnificence is strong. Mothers never choose to falter.
Natural beauty is glowing. Mothers are optimistically radiant.
Over protective is fine. Mothers can do this.
Patterns are healthy. Mothers are healers.
Quiet times are cherished in the company of mothers.
Reminiscing is priceless when thinking of mothers.
Saying nice things always comes from a mother.
Thoughtfulness is blissful as we emphasize our mothers.
Understanding, unique, and universal. Mothers-Mothers-Mothers.
Valedictorians in the definitions of life. Mothers are powerful examples.
Worthy describes their well-deserved victories.
An x-ray of hearts. Mothers are perfect. That instrument they possess keeps loving and giving. Yesterday has passed, here comes tomorrow.
No matter what day, our mothers are needed. Zestful reminds me to pamper them nicely.
Always remember and never forget—
Mothers are triumphant in making everything pleasant.
Ultimate appreciation is thanking them deeply.
To frame each moment and fulfill each memory is a
valuable conclusion of loving and caring. With the
strength to conquer and the desire to succeed, God
bless these women for guiding and teaching. I
compliment their dedicated efforts.
Happy Mother’s day to every wonderful mom. I salute these Queens with dignified meaning. Our prayers are answered because of our mothers.