Babysitter rates are not usually defined. Although babysitters put up their expectations on their online profiles based on their personal achievements and the hourly payment pattern, babysitter rates still vary as no two babysitters hold the same responsibilities.
Factors that impact babysitter rates:
- Teenagers are paid much less than elderly babysitters. Young babysitters usually take up babysitting to earn some pocket money during their free time. Therefore, they lack the commitment of professionals.
- Professional babysitters charge higher rates based on their qualifications. Their experience, training, good references, etc. also determines rates.
- Current hourly payment rates usually range from $5.00 to $15.00 all over US. However, these rates may vary depending on the current rates in the state and the neighborhood.
- The personality of a child also determines babysitter rates. Every child has different needs. Some may not be as demanding whereas caring for some may take up a lot of energy. Therefore, babysitters usually come around to a rate only after discussing the above issues with the child’s parents.
- The number of children to be cared for and their respective ages affect babysitter rates. Infants and small children need extra care and continuous vigilance whereas bigger children are more independent comparatively.
- Some babysitter jobs also include extra household tasks or even entire home management yielding to increased rates.
- Babysitter rates also include fixed extra charges for late hours, late nights, etc.
Finally, it is best to negotiate the payment with the potential babysitter to reach an agreeable amount suited to both parties. Nevertheless, it is always wise to overpay rather than underpay a deserving babysitter if you can afford it. After all, a babysitter affects your child’s development in a huge way so it pays to keep her happy, too.
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