A six-month-old is awake for much of the day, and she wants to
play. Here are some tips for having fun with your baby:
Play naming games with your baby. Point to her nose and say, “nose.” Do
the same with her eyes, hands and toys.
Play pat-a-cake with your baby.
Play pop-goes-the-weasel. When you reach the “pop,” raise your baby’s arms
in the air. Don’t jerk her arms or swing her by the arms.
Partly hide a toy under a blanket or piece of cloth. Let your baby grab the
toy and learn to pull the blanket off.
Put several empty plastic cups into a shoebox. The cups can be different
sizes. Reach into the box and take one cup out at a time. Pick out another
cup and do it again. After you do this a few times, your baby will imitate
Put a large picture of yourself and dad near her crib or high chair. When
she says “mama” or “da-da,” point to the pictures. Say, “There’s mommy”
(or, “There’s daddy”).
This content has been provided freely by CMC. Click Healthy Start, Grow Smart—Your-Six-Month-Old for your free download. Click GreatDad Free Ebook to download the entire Health Start, Grow Smart series.
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