At eight months, your baby is curious
about everything. This is a fun time for both of you. Your baby may surprise you with how well she
can get around the house. Let her explore, but keep her safe.
Now that she can
pull herself around on her belly or crawl, she wants to get into everything. When she holds
things in her
hand, she wants to throw them or put them in her mouth. Or she wants to bang
them on the table. These activities are important ways she learns. It seems like the more
noise she can make, the more she likes it.
She practices new skills every day. She may try
to pull herself up to a standing position. She likes finger foods.
Your baby may try to
make new sounds, like “dada.” The world is exciting to her, but some things may scare her. When
she is around strangers, she may cry and hide her face. She may cling to you. All these things are
normal. They are part of learning and growing.
She may try to stand or crawl. She may fall
down a lot. It may be hard for you to watch her fall. Try to let her explore and move around on
her own unless she is in danger or may hurt herself. Make your home as safe as possible for your
baby. Join in the games that help her learn about her world.
This content has been provided
freely by CMC. Click Healthy Start, Grow Smart—Your-Eight-Month-Old for your free download. Click GreatDad Free Ebook to
download the entire Health Start, Grow Smart series.
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