Fathers looking for parenting advice about how to deal with a divorce should take comfort in one fact: they are not alone.
Classes geared toward helping couples deal with their divorce proceedings, and how to start a custody relationship with the children, have proven to be parenting godsends mothers and fathers.
Mark Sims, a 48-year-old musician in Los Angeles, recently told the Associated Press about the benefits of taking a class focused on helping divorcing couples.
"One of the biggest things that happened to us in the class, and it’s the simplest thing, is to have courtesy when you talk to the other person – to say stuff like ‘thank you,’" Sims said. "It seems like a really simple thing, but it changes your attitude about what you’re doing."
Since then Sims and his ex-wife, Nicole Collier, have been able to put their differences aside for their 10-year-old son Isacc, according to the article.
Divorce is currently a big issue within pop culture thanks to the reality show Jon & Kate Plus Eight highlighting the topic on national television. Some parenting advice experts have said fathers should seek out help from either friends or from classes for divorcing couples.
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