The short answer is, yes. Every group of parents has had to come to terms with the generational gap that develops between themselves and their children. However, with the advent of the internet, cell phones, video games and personal computers, that gap can seem more like a mile-wide chasm. Sure, you had Pong when you were a little one, but your kids know how to coordinate a computerized military assault with other players from around the world.
With so many technological distractions at your children's disposal, it can be difficult to remind them that there's a whole wide world that exists outside of their computer screen. Fewer and fewer kids are spending time exploring their backyards, embarking on afternoon bike riding adventures and playing simple games like tag or waffle ball. As a result, you may find it hard to generate interest in your children for activities like hiking, camping or visiting the museum. However, that doesn't mean you can't try.
Technology has changed the world forever and no amount of stories that begin "Back when I was young…" are going to change that. However, remaining engaged and interested in your child's personal education and activities can make a world of difference. For starters, you may want to reduce your children's exposure to electronic devices. Try setting up a daily or weekly time limit for watching TV, playing video games or chatting with friends online.
Once the power switches are off, you can establish bonding time with your son or daughter. Don't preach about "Kids these days." Remember, your generation was the one that created this digital world they live in. Rather, encourage them to see the world with their own eyes with you as their guide. If you're excited about developing new interests, you can hope that some of that enthusiasm will rub off on them as well.
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