With the new school year approximately a month away, some fathers may be looking for parenting advice on how to save money on supplies, especially with the weakened economy.
Many families are looking to cut back on their back-to-school budget. The 2009 Back to School Consumer Intentions and Actions Survey recently found that families are expected to spend 7.7 percent less on supplies than they did last year.
For younger students, one way fathers can cut down on costs is to not buy all their clothes at once. Children are prone to growth spurts, which means that it’s possible for them to need new outfits in the middle of the school year.
To facilitate this, only buy a portion of their clothes at first. Also, talk with other parents about a clothes-swapping plan. Many families are sharing clothes as a way to offset costs and to allow kids to have different outfits throughout the year.
It may also be good parenting advice to hold off on purchasing anything until after the immediate rush. Retailers may have clearance sales afterwards, which fathers can take advantage of.
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