Becoming a new parent is scary, and you're probably full of questions. Are you doing everything right? Is your baby eating enough? How soon do you need to worry about parenting him emotionally as well as physically? Here are some of the most popular questions that new fathers ask.
1. How can I bond with my baby? New moms have had nine months to bond with their little one by the time he arrives, which leaves many dads concerned about their ability to form a relationship with their child. Don't fret if it doesn't happen right away. Spend time holding your infant, feeding him from a bottle and comforting him when he cries, and before you know it, you'll wonder how you ever lived without him.
2. How often does my baby need to eat? The answer is a lot. But don't worry, because he'll let you know (loud and clear) when he's hungry. A screaming baby is usually upset for one of a few reasons: He's uncomfortable, has a dirty diaper, needs to sleep or needs to be fed.
3. What about bathing? You may need to shower every day, but your baby doesn't. Newborns aren't exactly rolling around in the dirt, and too much washing can irritate their sensitive baby skin. Ask your doctor for more specific information about when to give your baby his first bath.
4. How do I babyproof my home? To make your abode safe for your little one, rethink your definition of dangerous. Everything from small bits of plastic to household cleansers, medications and even small, hard candies should be kept in locked cabinets or drawers and away from counters and tables, where small hands might reach. Ask your doctor for a comprehensive list of everything your baby should be safeguarded against. Additionally, block off stairs, pools and "adults-only" areas with gates.
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