The start of the New Year is a time most people look forward to. They can relax, celebrate and spend time with friends and family. For others, it's is a time to turn the page on the previous year and begin afresh with a clean slate. This is the case for many dads who may have had a year filled with one too many screw ups that left them sleeping on the couch or locked out on the porch.
Resolving to be a better father, husband and general overall human being is certainly a good goal to have. Still, there are other dads who may not find resolutions as easy to come up with. We advise you not to be that guy – no matter what you're mother tells you, you're not perfect. Here are few resolutions for dads to consider.
1. Drink more. Was 2010 too stressful for you? Pledging to kick back with a few brewskis may seem like an ideal way to ease the tension. However, proceed with caution. Coming home after a long day at work and having a drink or seven will take you from Ned Flanders to Homer Simpson in about two weeks.
2. Start smoking. It can be tough being a dad. Your boss is mad, your wife is stressed out and your kids need your constant attention. Should you smoke up to relieve the pressure? Well … no. It might help you look cool but your smoker's breath will give your wife one more excuse not to get too close.
3. Loosen up seat belt rules. Your kids may think you're too strict, and maybe they're right. Clue them into the fact that cool kids don't wear seat belts and tell them to spread the word among their classmates. We suggest you skip the next parent teacher conference, however.
4. Go commando more regularly. It just feels good. However, remember to XYZ.
5. Spend more money. Carpe diem, seize the day, that's what Robin Williams says! Go ahead and treat yourself to that home pool table or surround sound stereo system. Just be forewarned that your wife will likely retaliate by hitting the Macy's shoe department with your golf vacation fund.
I’m in the same boat sans bun in the oven. I haven’t done one drop of Christmas spniphog yet. Maybe I need to spend some quality time with good ole Amazon