Moms generally rely on dads to handle discipline. Dads have
traditionally been associated with disciplining kids with punishments. While
most modern dads may not use punishments to discipline kids, they are still
responsible for teaching their kids how to be disciplined. Modern methods of
discipline recognize that kids are not born with an agenda to make trouble for
their parents; that they are trying their best to please their parents.
However, being children, they fail. Modern day dads recognize that it’s okay to
fail and to use failure to pave ones way to success.
Note: Navigate through the following links to read the entire article.
Top Five Ways in which Dads are Different: Introduction
Top Five Ways in which Dads are Different: Handling Emotions
Top Five Ways in which Dads are Different: Inspiring Self-Confidence
Top Five Ways in which Dads are Different: Handling Responsibility
Top Five Ways in which Dads are Different: Disciplining Kids
Top Five Ways in which Dads are Different: Having Fun
Top Five Ways in which Dads are Different: Conclusion
I much prefer informative articles like this to that high brow lteiarutre.