If your little ones have always been resistant to doing chores, it can be a battle to convince them to help out around the house. With spring cleaning season coming up quickly, there's a good chance you and your significant other will need some extra hands around the house. Here are some simple tips to make this project easier on your children without enduring too many complaints.
Give them fair warning
Nobody likes to hear bad news, but it's even worse when that news comes all of a sudden. As you're getting ready to tackle your attic, garage, basement or other area in need of cleaning, make sure to let your kids know in plain English that you're going to need their assistance.
Split up the responsibility
One great way to make the workloads more is to divide the responsibilities equally. With someone dedicated to hauling off trash to the garbage cans and one assistant boxing up old items, the entire spring cleaning process will be simpler and faster.
Offer an incentive
While you don't necessarily need to bribe your children into pitching in, you may want to think about rewarding them for their help at the end of the project. Taking everyone out for a delicious family meal or going on a weekend getaway can be a nice treat for a job well done.
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