- Sturdy– The chair must be able to be climbed on, be stood on, and be sat on without tipping over.
- Collection Device– The best waste collector is large and easily removed to avoid spilling.
- Arm Rests– These should generally be avoided since they allow the chair to tip.
- Removable Seats– Potties with removable seats that adapt to a regular commode are nice for transitioning and comfort the child.
- Musical Potties– Usually distract or confuse the child, but may make the potty fun.
- Portable Potties– A nice feature but usually less stability and comfort.
- Splash Guards– Guards for boys have caused many injuries and they are not necessary when a child leans forward.
- Rewards– Always a good idea for young children who need positive reinforcement.
– Dr. D. Preston Smith
That’s going to make things a lot eaiser from here on out.